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About Constistutional Homeopathy - for homeopaths (self care)

For the past year, since my younger brother passed away, I have been endeavoring to take better care of myself. For me, my top two forms of #selfcare - which I know can help me - have been working more closely with my homeopath, and daily meditation. In these times, we health care providers recognize that most if not all of our clients / patients could benefit from more consistent self care, from homeopathy to exercise, better eating habits, finding more meaningful work if possible, etc.


But what about us homeopaths, and other health care providers?

We definitely need it too. I'll speak for myself.


Like so many in healthcare, and in helping professions, we overly focus on others, neglecting to take care of ourselves adequately. This tends to lead to burnout. But the confluence of societal and personal challenges in recent years has led to unprecedented levels of burnout in health care workers especially.

What can we homeopaths do to take care of ourselves?


1. Consult with our homeopaths. If you don't have one, get one. We are not above needing mental/ emotional/ spiritual and yes physical support, and though there are many modalities that can help us other than homeopathy, we have this amazing modality to turn to, not just to provide for others.

After my appointment and taking my newly recommended homeopathic remedy this morning, I felt... more like myself again, more than I have felt in a long time. This means less compensatory negative thoughts and behavior and more ease, better health- affirming decisions, and more ... happiness and enjoyment.

How much is the remedy? How much is as a result of the incredible consultation, where I'm speaking truthfully about everything going on in my life, and getting to hear my homeopath's honest feedback, and help re-framing my stuckness? Does it matter??

It's revolutionary health care.


2. Meditation, yoga, nature therapy / forest bathing, breath work, journaling...  and so many more therapies which are born of nature


3. Things that bring us joy - creative pursuits, making things, natural exercise, cooking... reuniting with our spark.


I'm so grateful for my homeopathic care. It allows me to access all of the amazing other resources right in front of me, with much more ease. 

feminine person with closed eyes, flowers around

This Week's
Client Trauma Healing

Early response to homeopathic treatment

I'm sharing some comments about very early response to homeopathic care for two people with history of complex trauma, because this is the kind of initial response I am looking for, to know that we are likely on the right track with your holistic healing.


"I suddenly had more empathy for what my parents had gone through, and felt okay in myself for the first time in my adult life."


"It's hard to describe. I don't have forgiveness for what was done, but I feel a greater sense of myself. Things are not just happening to me anymore."



Healing Trauma with Homeopathy

We are in challenging times.

Political polarization, environmental degradation and climate chaos, pandemic, wars... and that is just in the collective, before we acknowledge the personal challenges. For many of us, loss, grief, realization of childhood trauma, and intergenerational trauma are compounded by the ongoing collective traumas.


In our culture in the United States, we have a tendency to reinforce traits such as individualism, perfectionism, workaholism, and other coping strategies to deal with challenges. While these got many of us through our own hard times, often these "well worn grooves" or patterns take over, not allowing us to re-frame and have more ease when our circumstances change. 


Homeopathy can help give us the space from our old patterns to reset. By matching or gently "witnessing" the pattern of stuck-ness a person is experiencing (with a personalized homeopathic remedy), often there is increased perspective and a bit more room to observe ones own state, rather than being overcome by it. This creates more freedom to be in the moment, and to be at choice. When that happens, there is a window of opportunity to begin to create new patterns.


Homeopathy and other somatic forms of healing have the capacity to integrate and metabolize trauma. We have the opportunity in these challenging times to meet the moment, and I believe, to evolve as a species. It will take courage, and all of the tools in the tool belt, and likely we will create some new ones along the way...


Now is the time to get this opportunity to reframe and utilize your accumulated wisdom.

Kathleen Scheible practicing homeopathy in Santa Cruz after wildfires in 2020

Integrative Healers Action Network 2020 Service

For the third year in a row, I am volunteering my homeopathic services with the Integrative Healers Action Network in the aftermath of the Northern California wildfires. Above picture is me in Santa Cruz, California in September, at an IHAN clinic for evacuees and locals in the aftermath of the CZU Lightning Complex Fire.


Working with an integrative team of chiropractors, acupuncturists, naturopathic doctors, massage therapists and others, we are showing up for the people who are most impacted by the climate change driven disaster of wildfire.


People who access our services often express that we are the first to make them feel human again after the disaster, with many of them having lost their homes, or having at least to have fled their home which is very traumatic especially for those in communities not expecting to, such as Santa Cruz and outlying coastal towns in 2020.


Homeopathic medicine, when individualized, can help to reduce acute trauma symptoms and increase an individual's capacity to resource themselves and/ or find appropriate  resources in a disaster.


I am honored to serve my community in this way.


Consider supporting @integrativehealersactionnetwork financially  with a donation, and/ or corporate sponsorship.


For those homeopaths or other certified or licensed integrative health care professionals, we could use your help!


Thanks to Hahnemann Laboratories of San Rafael for supporting the IHAN clinics with their world class homeopathic remedies manufactured in San Rafael, CA.


Thanks to Myra Nissen, fellow homeopath for collaborating on this article about our early experience volunteering for IHAN.



October 12, 2020 Santa Rosa, California


We have continued to to face unprecedented wildfires in Northern California this year.  


We have been able to meet the community where they are and help people be more resourced in this traumatic moment. 






IHAN Clinic in Santa Rosa
IHAN YouTube video
Kathleen Scheible speaking to IHAN Clinic client
Elena IHAN 2020
IHAN Clinic co-founder Jenny Harrow-Keeler and colleague

Paradise, California 2020
Integrative Healers Action Network

IHAN Paradise 2020 practitioners starting circle

November 7th, 2020

I was humbled to get to serve in Paradise, California on the 2nd anniversary of the Camp Fire. I had served in the Red Cross shelter with IHAN in 2018 in Chico in the aftermath of the Camp Fire, 6 weeks after the fire began. It was life-changing for me.


This year in Paradise, IHAN collaborated with conventional medical organization Medspire for a community renewal event held at a local church.


I was able to help 18 people over the course of the day homeopathically.  


People in this community are still suffering from profound grief and loss, which is understandable. Many had witnessed shocking loss of life, and despair. Many lost loved ones in the fire, or in the weeks and months afterward, to stroke and heart attack from the stress. There was a sense of needing to hold it together, as the entire community is still suffering and under-resourced, though trying to recover. There was also profound grief for the environment, as the landscape is still charred, though there is regrowth too. 


While health complaints ranged from severe insomnia since the fire, to chronic pain, depression, anxiety, and addiction, there was a stoicism in most everyone I spoke to. 


Blessings on this community. I am very glad to have served with the medicine I know, homeopathic medicine. 



Kathleen with Paradise Client 2 IHAN 2020
Kathleen with Paradise Client IHAN Clinic
Cynthia Rose Kathleen IHAN Paradise 2020
IHAN Paradise California 2020 Group photo



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